Union to TreeJoin results in error

I have a dataflow with multiple tree joins and I'm trying to use a Centerprise Union item as one of the sources for the tree join. When I run the process, I get the following error. If I replace the Union item with its SQL equivalent the process completes successfully.

Status: TerminatedDueToError

Error Message
bad parameter or other API misuse
not an error

Error Stack
   at Astera.Database.DbProviderBase.ExecuteNonQuery(IDbCommand command)
   at Astera.Transfer.Dataflow.TreeJoinProcessor.ProcessRight(IDataflowTask task)
   at Astera.Transfer.Dataflow.JoinProcessorBase.Process(IDataflowTask task)

Additional Info: INSERT INTO Sorter (Field_0,Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4,Data) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)

Message : bad parameter or other API misuse
not an error

Product Version:
OS Info: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0

Exception Class Name: Astera.Core.DbProviderException

Stacktrace:    at Astera.Database.DbProviderBase.ExecuteNonQuery(IDbCommand command)
   at Astera.Transfer.Dataflow.TreeJoinProcessor.ProcessRight(IDataflowTask task)
   at Astera.Transfer.Dataflow.JoinProcessorBase.Process(IDataflowTask task)


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