need help constructing an expression which converts a string to all lower case then capitalizes the first letter of each word. For example, a last name HERMAN to Herman or a Company Name WORTH INTERNATIONAL to Worth International.
Support You can use the function transformation ToUpper(). You can find this function under String category in Function Transformations.
Gary Ok, so how do I combine the upper function to the first character. Also, what about multiple words within a field (like a company name)
Support You can use the Split() function to split into words. Then use Left() to get the first letter and convert it to upper. Take the remainder of the word and use ToLower() and then combine these two.
Gary Thanks - a quick example would have been helpful - I will figure it out - thanks again for the hint!
Mike O'Quinn Here is an example for a single word: Left(Name,1) + ToLower(Right(Name, Length(Name) - 1))
I would spread out the flow rather than try to write this in a single expression. Kinda like this:
Gary Thank you, for First and Last name I used ToUpper(Left(ln,1)) + Substring(ToLower(ln),1)