Upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1

You can download Centerprise 5.1 from the following location -


Please follow these steps to upgrade --

1) You'll need to move the existing license to the new version. There are two options for that. You can use the keys that you used to activate the current version. If you already have your keys handy, then you can move to the step 3. If don't have the keys, you'll need to back-up the existing license before you uninstall the current version.

2) To backup the license, locate the license files for both client and server (if applicable) by going to the following locations depending on the operating system -
Windows 7/Vista - C:\ProgramData\Astera Software\Centerprise Data Integrator (Client)
C:\ProgramData\Astera Software\Astera Integration Server 5 (Server)
Windows XP/Server 2003 - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Astera Software\Centerprise Data Integrator (Client)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Astera Software\Astera Integration Server 5 (Server)

You can backup the license files by adding an extension (such as .bak) or renaming the file.

3) If you wish to migrate your scheduled jobs from 5.0 to 5.1. Please save a copy of the ServerDb.sdf file from the same location as the server license file.

4) Uninstall Centerprise 5.0

5) Install Centerprise 5.1.

6) If you backed up your license files, then you can go back to the file locations and change them back to original name/extension. If you are upgrading server too, at this point restart the server. This completes the upgrade process. However, if you didn't backup the license files and wish to use the keys, please follow the regular steps to activate Centerprise using the keys. For more information about install process and licensing, please refer to this knowledge base article http://astera.zendesk.com/entries/485021-centerprise-installation-guide#overview

7) If you choose  to migrate the scheduled tasks from 5.0 to 5.1, please download the migration dataflow from http://www.astera.com/media/8605/scheduledtaskmigrationto5_1.df. Open this dataflow in Centerprise. Go to properties of  the source in the dataflow and  in the connection properties, point it to the ServerDb.sdf that you saved in step #3. Now, go to the destination and point it to ServerDb51.sdf file that can be found at the same location where the original ServerDb.sdf was found before uninstall. Save this dataflow and run it. This step moves your scheduled jobs from 5.0 to 5.1.

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